

杰克Kauter 出版日期:2023年5月23日

杰克Kauter和Park Place Technologies Solutions Architect , 罗伯•罗伯茨, 讨论“什么是降低数据中心成本的最佳方法”这个问题?在这个月的 问工程师.

你可以了解更多 IT成本降低策略 在这里.


杰克: 嗨,伙计们. 我是杰克,又到了《十大赌博平台排行榜》节目的时间了. Joining me 今天 is Solutions Architect at Park Place Technologies, 罗伯•罗伯茨. 罗布,你今天过得怎么样?

罗勃: 伟大的杰克. 你呢??

杰克: 很好,谢谢. 抢劫, many of our clients are looking to save money in the data center to invest elsew在这里, 尽管预算持平. Do you have any advice on how IT professionals can free up funds in their data center?



研究数据中心的成本削减,你会被这种创新所震撼. 许多超大规模供应商在液体冷却等领域取得了突破性进展, 替代能源整合, 以及使用 数据中心基础设施管理(DCIM)人工智能 以维持新的效率水平.

这一切都是很有希望的,未来的负担得起, sustainable data centers and offers interesting things to consider when planning new construction. 但 most Indian data center operators have existing facilities in which they need to save money 今天, 无需进行重大改造.


幸运的是,有一些交钥匙的选择可以实现这一目标. 我们总结了6个最能将简单和有效结合起来的方法.

1. 模块化提高效率

A full HVAC transition to liquid cooling and other major capital projects are often out of reach, but energy efficiency can be gradually enhanced through hardware acquisition by:

  • 在生命周期计划中整合效率收益. Determine when increased efficiency of newer hardware justifies the capital expenditure of 升级数据中心硬件组件.
  • 设定能源效益目标. 一定要查看空闲状态和活动状态的能源使用统计数据, 因为许多产品在两个方面的效率并不相同.
  • 评估创新产品, such as those with server- or rack-level liquid cooling to take advantage of advances impractical to incorporate at facility-wide scale.

2. 检查您的数据存储

物联网驱动的数据量爆炸式增长才刚刚开始. At the same time, the easy capacity gains in HDDs and flash 存储 is reaching an end. 然而,大多数企业并未效仿 IT基础设施生命周期管理最佳实践. It’s time to reexamine what data the organization is keeping, for what reason, and for how long. “只要有可能就清除”是一个好策略,而且它节省了存储费用.

很少访问的数据必须保存, 用于存档或监管目的, 考虑冷藏, 比如磁带系统, 减少与你的 存储基础设施管理. Optimizing your 存储 overhead is a key strategy for reducing data center costs.

3. 关注支持价值

几乎任何新的硬件购买, companies will usually add a 支持 contract from the original equipment manufacturer (OEM). It’s a fine plan to help ensure deployment success and access any microcode with new features. 但 高德纳的一项研究 发现四年后的产品发布是 最新的 在这一点上,这种方法是有经济意义的. 对于那些购买了一到两年的系统的组织 IT硬件生命周期这可能意味着它的使用寿命只有两到三年.

超过这个时间范围, new features are almost never offered and many OEMs will increase the cost of 支持. 因此,顾客花了更多的钱,却得到了更少的价值. 另一方面, 第三方硬件维护提供商 can step in to offer better, more responsive 支持 and more features at about half the cost. 和 多厂商硬件维护 通过单一提供者, contract management and trouble ticket oversight become more efficient as well.

4. 明智地延长硬件寿命

有一段时间,关于升级存在两个对立阵营. T在这里 were the conservative-minded who kept hardware only as long as the initial 支持 period lasted, 一般是三到五年. 还有一些冒险者更喜欢“跑到它掉下来为止”,在DIY的支持下积蓄积蓄,直到 灾难性硬件故障 他们在停机时间的花费比他们获得的要多.

Now t在这里 is a middle way with post-warranty and post-EOSL (end of 支持 life) 维护 available on nearly all server, 存储, 以及来自主要制造商的网络硬件. This empowers enterprises to decide on a product-by-product basis which equipment is delivering value. 一旦所有资产, 它们的保修状态, 风险概况被识别出来, 然后企业就可以从这些投资中获得最大的回报, 不损害可靠性或安全性, 并进一步扩大资本支出.

5. 走出反应模式

很少有人会在压力下做出最明智的财务决定, 在数据中心进行持续的消防演习可能会导致超支. 当最坏的情况发生时,必须有更多的员工在场,以避免崩溃 再一次。, and the most expeditious option—maybe replacing a malfunctioning piece of hardware without a real diagnosis—is not always the most cost-efficient.

Moving from this stance toward a more proactive one can change the budget equation. 例如, newer hardware 监控 系统 can streamline triage and automate trouble ticketing to reduce the 支持 burden on data center staff. This provides direct savings and fosters an environment in which resources can be directed more mindfully.

6. 分享和同样分享

数据中心是一个复杂的地方, and many operators strive to have an in-house team member trained for every possible task. 这可能导致不必要的高人力成本.

利用外包合作伙伴可以根据需要获得专业知识, 不支付全职甚至兼职工资. 值得一问的是数据中心监控的是什么, 维护, 和优化 tasks can be handed off to outside experts or even computers. 随着基于机器学习系统的兴起, 例如, you may not need the same number of administrators sifting the daily influx of network alerts as you did just a year ago.

保持在数据中心体系结构创新的顶端是至关重要的, 系统, 和实践, 但许多信息和通信技术主管将发现最大的影响, lowest risk data center cost-saving opportunities reside in the more tried-and-true areas of hardware selection, 监控, 支持, 和优化. These choices might not be as headline-grabbing as siting data centers under the sea or building the DCIM equivalent of HAL from 2001:太空漫游但它们确实离家更近.

1. 避免升级/刷新FOMO

罗勃: 是的,我知道. The first way to maximize would be to not give in to FOMO (fear of missing out). 你的装备, 你已经买过了, if it’s working fine and you’re not running out of resources – don’t upgrade or refresh your gear. 企业级设备通常都是经久耐用的, 甚至在生命结束日期之后的几年里都将如此. 就因为别人告诉你你不是最新最好的, 你可能并没有错过什么.

2. 定期进行IT硬件维护

第二种方式, 这就像检查烟雾探测器的电池一样平凡, 即使它很无聊, 做普通 硬件十大赌博正规老平台 可以为您节省数千美元的收入损失. Especially if critical 系统 stop working because you’re just ignoring the really small, “软”错误——我总是喜欢这么说, “现在抱怨, 但别哭了.”

3. 跟踪更新日期

第三是跟踪和保持你的更新日期. It’s a costly mistake and can be a real headache when you realize the auditor is coming to the building, 即使不是出于合规的原因, 很多原始设备制造商或软件公司都向你收费, 不仅仅是复职费, but they’ll even charge you late fees for while you were still using the service when you didn’t have an active contract. 这真的是积少成多.

看到我们的 EOSL图书馆,并了解 EOL和EOSL日期 今天.

杰克: 是的,绝对. 以上是三个最重要的省钱小贴士. 他们都来自不同的视角. Do you happen to have any other suggestions on how IT professionals can save money in the data center?

4. 考虑二手IT设备

罗勃: 是的, 我想说的最后一个建议是, 就像一辆新车,一旦你把它从停车场拿出来,它就会失去价值, IT设备与此非常相似. 它随着时间的流逝而贬值. Older gear never really gets faster, but t在这里’s so much in在这里nt value with 购买二手的甚至只是一代的数据中心设备. 它同样有用,而且真的是立竿见影.

杰克: 是的,绝对. 罗伯,我想我一共数了四个小费. 伟大的东西, thank you for sharing lots of information on a topic that’s relevant for a lot of people out t在这里.

That’s all for now guys; if you’d like to suggest a question to one of our engineers, 请随时十大赌博平台排行榜. 现在,我们下期《十大赌博平台排行榜》再见.



作为在线营销和分析经理, Jack is responsible for Digital Marketing initiatives with a primary focus on EMEA and APAC. 他的职责扩展到支持销售团队, 策划活动, 产生线索和更多.